About Collage

About Us

About Us

We're a wellness center in Erie, PA focused on providing you with the best experience possible.

Guided by a commitment to safety and personalized care, we aim to inspire and support our community to excel in their wellness journey.

By using cutting-edge technologies, we strive to provide a transformative experience that accelerates recovery, enhances performance and nurtures overall well-being. Step into the future of recovery with us.

Our Owner's Story.

Having battled an autoimmune disease for several years, I underwent surgery that finally allowed me to resume exercise in my daily life. As I was approaching my 50’s, returning to physical activity became quite challenging due to reduced energy levels and lingering effects of previous injuries.

The strain of exercise left  me feeling excessively sore after each workout. Besides hindering a quick recovery, the weight gains from sedentary lifestyle also came into play. Recalling a yoga instructor’s positive cryotherapy experience, I decided to try it out.

Not only did the cryotherapy sessions significantly boost my energy, it also alleviated the aches, pains, and post-workout soreness. Other treatments further elevated my energy levels, uplifted my mood, and fueled my motivation to work out, resulting in an overall sense of positive well-being, not to mention I was losing weight too.

Anne Maleno

However, upon returning to my hometown of Erie, I encountered difficulty finding any of these exceptional services. After months of research, I reached the resolute decision to introduce these transformative services to you. It is my heartfelt aspiration to aid in your recovery, alleviate your pain and enhance your youthfulness.


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